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Julian Assanges

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Wins Court Battle for Full Appeal

Monday's Ruling Grants Assange Opportunity to Challenge Extradition to US

In a significant development, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been granted permission to launch a full appeal against his previous extradition ruling. On Monday, a British court approved Assange's request to appeal the decision that had favored his extradition to the United States to face espionage charges.

Two Judges to Determine Assange's Fate on Tuesday

The fate of Assange now rests in the hands of two British judges who will convene on Tuesday to determine whether he will be extradited to the US. The extradition request stems from charges that Assange violated the Espionage Act by publishing classified US military and diplomatic documents in 2010.

Concerns over Possible Extradition and Imminent Trial

Meanwhile, a UN expert has expressed concerns about the potential impact of Assange's extradition and impending trial in the US. The expert cited the risk of a prolonged detention period, lack of due process, and potential violations of Assange's human rights.

Assange's Supporters Protest in London

In London, supporters of Assange gathered outside the court to protest against his potential extradition. Placards and banners expressed solidarity with Assange and demanded his release. They believe that Assange's extradition would set a dangerous precedent for press freedom and whistleblowing.
